Essay on Astrology in English in Very Simple Words

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1-Essay on Astrology - 550 Words

The study of astrology may seem like a world full of mysticism and uncertainty. It is natural to ask whether a person's personality traits can be determined by planet alignment; After all it seems far-fetched. Astrology and zodiac are much more complex than the average person.

Unless you take the time to fully research and understand astrology, it is impossible to obtain the most accurate amount profile.

In ancient times, astrology was closely linked to such fields as astronomy, philosophy, and medicine. Astrology is a wide-ranging topic with deep roots in history, which should be broken to fully understand it. The average person only knows about the signs of his Sun; This is the beginning of only one zodiac profile. Each planet in our solar system represents a certain aspect of life. For the most accurate reading of your zodiac, you will need to know which symbol was affecting each planet at the time and time of your birth. It can be as specific as the degree of which the planet is affected by its respective symbol. If you are not aware of the depth of the study astrology, then I encourage you to find out.

Daily and even monthly horoscopes are not sufficiently specific. The amount of any two people is not equal (unless you were born on that day, time and place), then in a nutshell, the horoscope of any two people can not be the same. Magazines and websites divide the entire zodiac sign into a small group and give the normal horoscope, so there is a great lack of accuracy. You can not blame people for doubting because the horoscope which has not been exposed to the "real" astrology product.

There are several ways to search your "true" amount, the easiest of them is internet. By typing in just "zodiac calculator", many websites will pop up. You want to pick one that requires your date, time and place of birth. The results you get should be excessive, after all there is a lot in your zodiac. Most websites give you a diagram that shows symbols for each planet and simultaneously also shows how they match with each other. You can find that you have a similar signal in different planets, different signs in the same planets or a mixture of both.

Different websites give different explanations. Some are very detailed and not only explain what your sign and planet combination means, but it is also that "home" is in combination. For a start which does not know what it means, I suggest just sticking to the basics, the planet and the degree. I can almost guarantee you that this will be an enlightening experience. You will read something and think about yourself "Oh my God, it's me!" You may also feel that you are invading privacy and you will question that your amount can be so much about you, sometimes you know about yourself.

I can not explain how or how the amount is valid, but I encourage you to give at least a chance to astrology. It will take less than five minutes to enter your information in a website and read the information you give. Whether you are a total astrological astrologer or a horoscope every time you come out of curiosity, you should take the time to know a little more about yourself through astrology.

2-Essay on Astrology - 950 Words

Astrology is the study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in this belief that they are influenced by natural worldly events and on the course of human affairs.

Have you ever wondered what are the signs of the zodiac? When we turn on TV ^, it seems that we always see an advertisement on the horoscope predictions.

People call and receive those prophecies that they are searching for. When the newspaper comes for the first time, then some people first go to the horoscope section.

They hold the basis for the entire day or the whole week on the report received. It seems that this event is something new, or is it? Astrology has existed since ancient times, even dating back to the biblical days.

Astrology has a long line of history and a bright future. Signs of Zodiac include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Astrologers also claim that the planets play a role in many major factors. We will also see astrology as a science; One way to predict and control our lives and our destiny.

Although many people refer to astrology because only superstitious others say that predictions are not worthy of the paper on which they are written. Astrology is an event that is back in the Bible days.

There is an ancient legend that Adam acquired the principles and secrets of direct astrology from his creator, and in this way, knowing that the earth was to be destroyed by fire first and then with water. Astrology has played an important role in our civilization.

Getting started with Adam and even present in today's society. Different civilizations were practicing independently practicing astrology. People saw that there was a change in the sun in particular, how the crops grew. Many people saw astronomy and astrology as equal science until 1500.

People were looking at the sun or the size of the moon when the crop was sown or even when the child was about to be born. These early astrologers were searching for their place in life.

A place where they fit in the universe. He believed that every component of the universe is connected together and everyone has their own place.

Every aspect of someone's life was based on planets and stars. Even the behavior was blamed on the state of the sun!

Today astrology is widely practiced. Even today, most farmers have a farmer's calendar. This book tells you when to start your crops, and many people have success.

Some people do not even think about planting crops without this information. This is a form of astrology, although many people do not realize it.

A popular form of astrology is the physical friend network. This is a 900 number you can call and see what your mark is and how it affects you.

Astrologers always find out what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future on the physical friends network.

Everybody who says that they are astrologers are not clearly and it is up to us to use our own decision to make decisions.

When you hear people talk about signs of Zodiac signs, then you often think what it means. Ancient astronomers noted that the Sun travels in an annual aerial field, which is represented by the blue band in the picture.

Ancient astronomers associated dates with the constellation in this narrow belt (which is known as the zodiac), specifying the dates to each constellation of stars when the Sun was in the same region of the celestial region.

Each zodiac sign corresponds to four different elements: fire, air, earth and water. Fire is a positive element; This element focuses on transforming energy from one form to another. Air is also a positive element that is associated with the spiritual part of life.

On the other hand, the earth is a negative element that is solid and approve people on earth. The last element is water. It is a negative element that becomes mysterious.

Astrologers say that they can predict your life through this hint, but you can often be like other zodiac signs. Astrologers say that the best way to explain the zodiac signs is to imagine that your divine soul is imprisoned in a worldly form, in cages like animals. '

They can predict what mood you are in, what kind of person you will marry, or even play games that you like to play! Whether such predictions can come true or not. All astrologers can not understand or interpret your actual reading. Even if you do not believe in astrology, you may still have a good time.

When you pay a minimum fee to find out what the future is for you, you always want to hear the good news. However, there will be bad news sometimes.

It is believed that the planets affect our lines in many ways. They play an important role in our universe. It has been researched to prove that weather and earthquakes can be determined by a closer look at planets. Events are still in the first phase.

The future of astrology can be important in predictable storms and earthquake predictions. These facts can help save lives. In order to predict many things, astrologers served in the King's court in the initial times.

When a battle was going to take the speed or even the luck of their kingdoms Many astrologers captured effective and well-paid positions.

Even today, astrology is an interesting career for the youth. Unfortunately, research is still in the developmental stages. This research can be beneficial for all of us on some days. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @ [email protected]

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