Essay on Ozone Erasure on Our Environment

Feed by Manisha Cat- Essay

We are providing many paragraphs, Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here.  Here you can find Essay on Ozone Erasure on Our Environment in English language for 5,6,,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and banking or other competetive exams students in 240 words.

The sun emits radiation on a wide range of wavelengths, on which the human eye responds to approximately 400 nm in this area. Categories up to 70 nm can be divided into three categories:

UVA (Ultra Purple): 320-400 nm).

Partially absorbed DVB (280-320 nm) by ozone

UVC (200-280 nm) completely absorbed by ozone.

Maximum concentration (about 0.5 ppm) is between 20 to 35 km in height. And at this level the layer is called the ozone layer. The presence of ozone for life on Earth is an essential requirement.

Stratospheric ozone layer absorbs the sun's dangerous UVB rays and it protects the Earth's surface with these high energy radiation. In the last few decades, due to man-made pollutants, the 03 layer is becoming thin, which catalyzes the disruption at a very fast rate of 03. The major pollutants responsible for the ozone depletion are chlorofluorocarbons (CPC) nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and chlorine and oxygen of the bromine.

Increased ultraviolet radiation will prevent photosynthesis in plants. Apart from this, it will increase the temperature of the Earth's temperature, which will be the catastrophic consequence of burning many low-lying islands of flood. Recently it has been found that ultraviolet radiation reduces the use of paint and construction material in polymers.

Most ozone is formed and destroyed in stratosphere. High energy ultraviolet ray breaks down some oxygen molecules into oxygen atoms. These oxygen atom are reconnected with oxygen molecules to form three atomic molecules of oxygen called ozone. But ozone is highly reactive, which is formed in collaboration with other premises in the stratosphere.

How ozone is made and destroyed in a balanced way by the radiation of the sun. However, this equilibrium is disturbed when chlorine atoms released from the Earth react with ozone molecule and reduce the ozone population in the atmosphere. More ozone molecules are destroyed than those created in this process.

Chlorine released from human-made materials such as CFC or Chloro-Auto Carbon enters the atomic atmosphere (which takes 50 to 100 years) and breaks the bonds that close the three atoms of ozone. Chlorine is converted to chlorine monoxide and oxygen is released. This loss of ozone molecules is known as the lack of ozone layers. Needless to say, the ability of the stratosphere to reduce harmful ultraviolet rays reduces from the loss of ozone molecules.

Ozone deficiency is rapidly near the poles in the spring because the prevailing low temperature of the stratosphere makes ozone more susceptible to reaction with other substances.

Normally, Nitro Eusexide destroys chlorine monoxide and therefore prevents ozone depletion. But the story is quite different in polar regions. There nitrous oxide is freezing to make ice clouds and chlorine monoxide which is left free to destroy ozone molecules.

Considering the major disadvantages of ozone vacancy, the Montreal Protocol, the world community is taking steps to control ozone vacancy. The Montreal Protocol was adopted in 1987 and it was strengthened in 1990, until 2000, CFCs and other ozone-lessening substances were called for phasing, ODS and their products established rules governing international trade. went.

Because in developing countries there is a shortage of financial and technical resources to replace CFCs or other ODSs such as Halo and Carbon Tetroxide. They have been given 10 years of grace period. In this way they need to eliminate CFC by 2010.

The protocol sought a multilateral tuna to assist developing countries in the transfer of technology which terminates CFCs. Or ODS To reduce ODS, India is expected to get around $ 19 billion under the protocol; India has stopped the trade of eight ODS of eight countries on its part, which is not the signatory for the protocol. But a suitable mechanism is still praising for facilitating the transfer of technology to developing countries.

Ozone Protection- Indian Law on India has notified the Ozone Delivering Substance (Regulation and Control) rules in addition to regulating its production and trade under the rules for phasing out of various ODS or ozone depleting substances in response to the Montreal Protocol, In addition to therapy, the use of CFCs was prohibited after January 1, 2003. Rules are also called for mandatory registration of ODS producers, traders and stockstates etc.

India's per capita consumption of ODS is now less than 3 GMs, below the approved level of 300 grams under the Montreal Protocol.

Euro-emission norms

Euro 1 and II are given to emission norms for new petrol and diesel driven vehicles. In this range of emission of carbon monoxide (CO) - hydrocarbons are specified in the context of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particle matter gm / km. All car manufacturers wishing to sell their cars in the National Car Sector (NCR) will have to meet these criteria.

Euro I

Pollution Petrol Vehicle Diesel Vehicle

Co 2.2 3.16

HC 1.13 1.13

NOX 1.13 1.13

Particulate NIL 0.14

Euro II

Pollutant Petrol Vehicle Diesel Vehicle

CO 2.20 1.0

HC 0.50 0.90

NOX 0.50 0.70-0.90

Particulate Matter Nil 0.80

Melting Arctic Ice

Arctic ice layer is melting faster than expected and can disappear completely till the end of the century. This recession will not only threaten polar species but will pave the way for new economic opportunities. According to Norwegian geologists, since the global warming, the thickness of ice-cap in every decade is decreasing by almost 15 percent in every decade. Due to total disappearance of snow, there have been dramatic consequences on local organisms, in particular, polar hearings, seals and walruses.

However, from the point of view of financial vision, the melting of ice resulted in the future waterway between Europe and Asia through the Arctic Ocean and new oil files and fishing areas were discovered, according to the researchers, the ice melts the North Atlantic For both the waterways and air temperature warming in the area. Many studies indicate that the frozen sea at the North Pole is melting rapidly. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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