Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Indian Judiciary System in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and banking or other competitive exams students in 2300 words.
"The constitution of India protects justice for all its citizens except for promoting independence, equality and brotherhood." Indian democracy Supreme Court plays an important role in protecting the fundamental rights of citizens, including fair justice. A democratic society should be administered without fear or favor. Honesty, fairness and intelligence There are some important features of the judiciary dependent in the technical system. "
Supreme court of India is the supreme court of law, the entire judicial system of the country controls it. The constitution and structure of the Supreme Court is provided in Article 124 of the Constitution. Article 131 to 140 works with the powers of the Supreme Court. There are three types of jurisdiction in the Supreme Court of India:
Original jurisdiction (ii) Appellate jurisdiction (JI) Advisory jurisdiction.
Under the Article 131 of the Constitution, the Supreme Court is original. Jurisdiction in association between Union and one or more states and any dispute arising between two or more states. Such a dispute should include some questions of law or fact on which the existence or extent of legal rights depends. Under Article 133 and 134, any civilian or criminal proceeding of the High Court can be appealed in the Supreme Court. Advisory work of the Supreme Court is also very important. If there is any ambiguity about the interpretation of a section of the Constitution or some constitutional problem arises, then the President can send it to the Supreme Court for its expert opinion,
The Supreme Court of India is a court of record, which means that its judgments and proceedings of the proceedings are preserved and published. The Supreme Court's decisions are binding on all the courts of India. The Supreme Court also has the powers to review its decision or order. The Supreme Court of London is the highest judicial body, which is responsible for ensuring justice to all. Under Article 142 of the Constitution, the Supreme Court has a constitutional mandate to pass such order which may be necessary to complete judgments in any case. All authorities are in civil or judicial obligation to comply with such orders.
In Indian democracy, the Supreme Court plays an important role in protecting the fundamental rights of citizens, including fair justice. Justice, which is the soul of a democratic society, must be administered without fear or favor. Honesty, fairness and intelligence are some of the important features in the democratic system, independent judiciary.
It is a matter of academic discussion that actually controls the process of justice, whether it is courts or governments. So far criminal questions are concerned, all investigations are done by the police or other government agency which reports to the government. Prosecutions are also appointed by the government. The court is concerned with the trial. Thus, two important aspects which constitute justice are investigation and prosecution in the hands of the government.
The government also provides funds for the smooth functioning of the courts. By regulating the flow of money, the government directly controls the capabilities of the courts. Better and adequate staff, better equipped courts can provide justice faster and more efficiently. Justice is a concurrent subject, both central and state governments are responsible for making money available. The government indirectly controls the process of testing through its control on funding.
The central allocation of Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) for justice is only Rs 700 crore, which is compared to the recent decision of the government to spend Rs 727 crore on the purchase of five aircraft for the use of VIPs, contradiction. Fast track courts, family courts, consumer courts, establishment of special courts for ST / ST cases have hastened the process of justice. Since this has been the decision of the government, which can increase the equality.
There is no doubt that the courts are bound to provide duty and quick justice. There is a point of competency in conflict many times. The increasing workload of the courts raises the issue of judicial proceedings, writing and publishing and publishing orders. To increase the efficiency of the courts, the current practice of writing and reporting of judicial proceedings, judgments and orders should be carefully reviewed. Today, a very dangerous situation of the Indian judiciary is the increasing balance of pending cases, not only with the lower courts but also with the Supreme Court. Delay in settlement of cases disappoints the very purpose of justice. Delayed Justice is deprived of justice. Delay produces frustration and results in loss of trust between normal mass. The feeling of despair and despair in any person is compulsory, which unfortunately is confused with litigation. There is no certainty of the proposal to get the final judgment. In civil cases, the minimum time should be ten to fifteen years. What is the sense of having such a judicial system, which provides justice after such a long period? In many cases, after the death of the original plaintiff Even if a decision is passed by the lower court, an appeal can be filed in the Supreme Court along with the High Court.
The current situation of negligence between Cout1s is due to the Supreme Court's failure to advise the appropriate mechanisms to investigate cases. In many cases, the Supreme Court has reopened the case. Public interest litigation hearing (PIL) is one of the recent development: 'Indian judicial system to provide less relief to voice. It is a contradictory situation that the Supreme Court has become so busy listening to public litigation applications that there is no time to resolve pending issues before it. Many times the court has ignored the guidelines given by the Supreme Court for the entry of cases in public interest, resulting in ambiguities and discrepancies.
Nowadays, the High Courts and Supreme Communications have increased their attention on all types of matters related to the common people. There may be pollution in the metro, or the application of fitness of CAS or transport vehicles for children everywhere becomes necessary for court intervention. The foremost jurist has described the Supreme Court as "All India Diversified Court".
The basic theme of the creation of the Supreme Court, we get many turn and diversification of our work. It was imagined to be a stable body, which was responsible for the country. As a result of the ambiguity at one point at the top level, hundreds of contradictory and controversial decisions have been taken at the lower level and further appeals of appeals and appeals are still going on.
A prime example of the case of Bhopal gas leak in which the Supreme Court had canceled all past, present and future proceedings against Union Carbide and the two lawyers, the attorney general of India and Union Carbide's lawyer were allowed to reach the agreement, the highest calculation by. Such a procedure adopted by the Supreme Court presented the entire legal system of the country in a stand still. Decision was passed with other aspects of this agreement, and for example, without any argument, rational concerns were briefly summarized in 350 words briefly. Such decisions have given meaning to Indian jurisprudence, which means that any legal or judicial system in the world can be imagined to provide justice on irregular and incompatible grounds. It is necessary that the original purpose of the constitution be restored in the Supreme Court. Important structural changes needed to understand the necessity of providing fair and prompt justice to the judiciary as per the basic purpose of our constitution.
To reduce time in settling matters, there is a great deal of improvement in the functioning of the courts. Has been practically seen, there is no time limit fixed for the cases of debate. In Indian courts, cases are being argued for months, while in the United States, the matter is advised to debate.
The number of holidays in India is not only in the judiciary, but in almost all the departments too much. There are many occasions where the lawyers resort to suspending work without any logical reasons. Judges are not in their duties from time to time. Judges come late in their offices and enjoy a lunch over the deadline. There is no positive and resultant check on such daily flip flops. In all these cases, settlement of cases has been delayed.
In recent years, the acceptance of facilities and allowances at the cost of the bribe, customers' costs has been rejected by the highest and also the reputation of the judges sitting in the lower court, the acceptance of bribe by the clerk and the reader for the next date or the court. Taking the matter for hearing, the knowledge of the judges is very common and well. A common man is being looted by a lawyer and a judicial officer to get justice quickly or delay the proceedings. All such things have completely influenced the image of the judiciary, even though most of them are full of high integrity and knowledge.
A very serious situation arises on the security of the judges, who try hard core criminals and terrorists in cases. If the judge gives an order against such intruders, then the judge himself becomes the target of his anger and sometimes many difficulties have to face. Such incidents of murder create a sense of fear among judicial officers. The issue of dilemma is that what such a situation should be, how the judicial officers should be ensured about their safety. A Nexus hard-core criminals and politicians frustrate the judicial authorities many times by passing the proper order. Criminal law is considered to be the most preventive means to deal with criminals, but whether the law is strict enough for the purpose, it is an issue to consider.
No need to emphasize the judiciary is an important part of any democratic system. Responsible for providing fair and speedy justice for all. To improve the working standard of the judiciary, many structural reforms are required so that the importance of this important organ is not bad and people's self-confidence can not be spent ahead. Whenever a matter of structural reforms is raised in the Judiciary, the focus is only with the High Courts, which is the High Court and the Supreme Court. In the judiciary, nobody has ever raised problems faced by the officials of the lower court. As long as the level of functioning of the courts does not improve, the real benefits of reforms will not reach the common people and the burden on the high courts can not be reduced too.
The lower courts include trial courts, district courts and session courts and session courts. These courts represent the first level of judicial setup. Most of the population, illiterate poor agriist, ignorant common man come in contact and see these courts as the last resort for justice. The functioning of these courts is so disappointing and the situation of working is so pathetic that those who go to them for any remedial measures, they find a nonsense of the joints of advocates, government prosecutors and judicial clerks. There is no system or process for next fixing. Any party can get a date of their choice by spending a small amount. Apart from this, the Admiral is in such a tremendous position to keep the building, furniture to sit, and records that no accident can be denied. These subordinate jurisdictions are located in noisy and confined spaces and work in small rooms without proper facilities of basic infrastructure. They want to write the order of judgment in their hands for stenographic assistance. The benefits of IT revolution have not reached these courts.
The convenience of computer and photostat, which can speed up the speed of justice and facilitate their functioning, has not been made available to these courts. Allowances and facilities including salary and allowances of subordinate judicial officers are satisfactory. It is a bitter fact that a clerk from the bank and the LIC is getting a mortal redemption compared to these officers. If we compare the equal pay package of equal judicial officials to countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan etc., then we find that our officers are getting very low.
They are also expected to maintain the integrity of a living standard, a certain civilization, the highest order, but very little is being paid, it is a fundamental reason that some subordinate officers have tried to accept illegal gratification. It is time that the working conditions of these courts will be improved to a necessary level.
Delay in justice can not be reduced by improving the working conditions of the High Courts. Negligence in high courts is always given to some ideas, but fewer courts are never considered. In the lower courts, more than 100 million cases are pending, which adversely affect the common man. As long as the facilities and work environment of the lower courts are not improved, it is difficult to imagine the reduction of the victims of the general trial. With the speed of disposal of cases pending in the High Courts, the obstacles and defects lying on the lowest levels will not be removed. This does not mean that corrections are not necessary at the higher level, but ignoring the lower courts will be an inefficient way of reforms.
It is necessary that the legal and judicial setup be arranged at a lower level so that the common man's gradual deteriorating self-confidence in the judiciary can be restored. The judiciary is responsible for providing fair and prompt justice. It is also responsible for protecting the legal and fundamental rights of the citizen, it is necessary to pay immediate attention to enable the judiciary to be able to fit the needs of society in our democratic system.
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