Essay on Importance of Communication in English in Very Simple Words

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Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Importance of Communication in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams students in 200, 300, 400, 500, 550 and 600 words.


1-Essay on Importance of Communication - 200 Words

It is often seen that the families in which people talk to each other are more happy. They share their happiness, sadness and other emotions with each other. Such families have a lively atmosphere. They laugh it together and celebrate with full hearts every moment. They never feel lonely or bored. They know that whenever they want to talk about something or share a feeling, they always have an ear to listen to them. The importance of such communication is important.

In comparison, the family where all members are absorbed in their work and do not bother to care for or talk to people around them, are generally not as happy. The atmosphere in such families is quite monotonous and sad. People are busy in their work They are friends outside and not so close to their family members. They plan outing with their friends and colleagues instead of their family members. This is because they have neglected the importance of communication with everyone and thus are not comfortable communicating with each other. And without good communication there is no way anyone can enjoy. In such families, people often find themselves alone and fall into depression.

Similarly, the lack of communication is harmful in every situation. We all must realize the importance of communication.


2-Essay on Importance of Communication - 300 Words

As Sandy Bob Mayer says, "Communication - human connection - is the key to personal success and career". The importance of communication has been emphasized several times. Spiritual gurus and famous leaders around the world have often emphasized its importance.

Right of communication

The right to communication has been said as one of the basic human rights in India. It includes the right to freedom of opinion and expression. It forms the basis of democracy. This is because India's democratic government understands the importance of communication, that's why she has given this freedom. Communication helps improve the political, economic and social status of a country. People in India are free to give their opinions on various things. They can question political leaders for anything that goes wrong or does not work according to their commitment. They are also free to give their suggestions on improving the different areas. This helps in improving the overall state of the country. Many people have come forward to give their opinions and suggest suggestions to the government and helped strengthen the nation.

Individual level communication

Communication is also very important at the individual level. Those who solve their issues and communicate with each other, discuss their problems, are at a happy place. They express what they feel - it's either good or bad. They are open to listen to other people's views so that they can be better understood. This helps in solving any kind of misunderstanding, which can lead to many other problems.

On the other hand, those who avoid communication and resort to silence make things complicated. They do not clarify anything and often complain against others.


We should understand the importance of communication at different levels. Communication is important for people's opinions and also to understand the other.


3-Essay on Importance of Communication - 400 Words

Communication is a way of keeping people's thoughts and ideas and listening to others'. For healthy conversations, it is important to have two ways to communicate. Those who understand the importance of communication develop healthy personal and professional relationships. On the other hand, those who keep things with them instead of discussing and solving them, they experience problems at different levels.

The importance of communication in personal relationships

Communication with our near and dear ones is very important to keep things smooth. Regardless of whether it is the relationship of the parent's child, the relation between husband and wife, the relation between the brother or sister or the in-laws relationship - to maintain a strong relationship is necessary to maintain a healthy dialogue in two ways. A relationship that lacks communication can never be successful and many misconceptions have to be faced. For example, the relationship of a parent's child is beautiful when they communicate well with each other. A family where children do not hesitate to discuss various types of issues with their parents, is best for the overall development of the child. Such a level of comfort is created by the parents through communication. This only occurs when parents communicate with their children and give them an ear to listen that the children feel comfortable with them and share their personal experiences with them.

Similarly, it is said that the relationship between husband and wife works best if they develop deep bondage of friendship with one another. That's because the friends share everything with each other and they are strong for each other through thick and thin. They do not have to worry about the response of the other person because they know they will not be judged. Husband wives who communicate more with each other build better confidence and transparency and thus develop a strong bond. On the other hand, those who do not discuss their problems with each other, they bottle emotions, create unbelief and this leads to big problems later on. Many of them discuss their problems with the outsiders rather than discussing the same with each other and eventually split up.

Many people have the habit of cooling down their loved ones and giving silent treatment to show their anger. This is the worst punishment you can give to anyone.


It is time that people should realize the importance of communication and communicate with each other to avoid misunderstandings and chasing problems.


4-Essay on Importance of Communication - 500 Words

The importance of communication has been emphasized repeatedly. While some people are born well with the quality of communicating, while some efforts can learn it.

Too Communication Required

If it is done in two ways, communication is called effective. If only one person speaks and another is not given an opportunity to talk about it, then it is considered an unhealthy conversation. The importance of communication should be understood, but at the same time people should ensure fair play in the same. Overcoming the entire conversation is not right and therefore the other person is letting it dominate. At home or in professional settings, people should recognize and realize the importance of communication in two ways.

Importance of effective communication

Many people understand the importance of communication and want to reach out to others, but they are unable to do so. That's because they lack lack of good communication skills. Here are some ways to communicate effectively:


Disruption can be extremely annoying. Before you make it, let the other person complete your talk. Constantly interrupting another person, they may have to wander from the point and the conversation can take a different turn.

Listen patiently

Needs to listen to healthy conversations patiently because people need to put a point in it. To communicate effectively you must first hear what the other person has to say.

View your body language

Your body language speaks about you. It is necessary to keep your body language warm and friendly rather than arrogant and arrogant. Many people unintentionally give false messages through their body language. If you are not sure, then it is good to learn the art of body language.

Do not go over your point

The reason behind the conversation is to express your thoughts so that the other person can know what you feel. It is not to prove that your point is right and the other person is wrong. Many people try to win the conversation which is absolutely wrong. It leads to unnecessary arguments and struggles.

Watch your words

Before telling someone something, make sure you know what you are saying. Many times, out of anger or anxiety, we say things that we should not say. Remember, once spoken words can not be withdrawn. Thus it is suggested that do not say something that you can regret later.


If there is a professional meeting where you need to communicate about your product or work, then it is recommended to practice already. Choose how your conversation will begin, all the points you cover and how you will end it. Practice in front of the mirror or with the friend only.


Jim Rohan once said, "If you just communicate you can get it. But if you communicate efficiently then you can do wonders ". Therefore, it is necessary to understand the importance of communication. However, it is essential to learn the art of effective communication to properly point out everyone.


5-Essay on Importance of Communication - 600 Words


Communication is the building block of a strong and healthy relationship. It is necessary to avoid unbelief in personal relationships, to ensure transparency and to make a strong bond. In a professional setting, it is necessary to manage the smooth functioning of the organization, to share effective knowledge and avoid confusions related to any kind of work.

The importance of communication in business settings

Communication is of utmost importance in business settings. This is the reason why the emphasis is on assessing the communication skills of the candidates during the job interview. A person who can speak his point well, has better clarity of concepts. On the other hand, the person who is confused about the facts, can talk about the same thing while making a mess. Therefore, communication skills are a good basis for recognizing the clarity of your knowledge and ideas.

A person with good communication skills is always more confident and can handle customers better. Here is the importance of communication in the life of various professionals:

The importance of communication for a teacher

Teachers must have essentially good communication skills. They will be able to handle students better when they have this quality. Discipline children or teach them academic lessons - they will be able to do their work effectively when they know how to communicate effectively.

The importance of communication for a doctor

A doctor should not only have complete knowledge about his area, but also know how to communicate well with his patients and their family members. He should know how to keep his point in such a way that the patient does not take his health issues lightly, yet he will not be in a state of panic.

The importance of communication for a team leader

While offering leadership or managerial post, a person's communication skills are specially evaluated. The reason for this is that the job is to talk with the team and get them out of work. The way team leaders or managers communicate, they largely determine the performance and behavior of their team. He is considered to set an example for them and bring them the best.

Importance of written communication

In a professional setting, knowing the art of written communication is as essential as oral communication. There are many things that need to be documented and this is where the written communication comes. A person should learn the art of sending authoritative lessons to write professional emails and to ensure effective written communication.

Lack of communication often leads to depression

While a lot has been said about the importance of communication, people these days mostly ignore this aspect. Everyone is so engrossed in their own life that they do not bother to talk to their near and dear ones too. Increasing use of the internet and social media and the busy lifestyle of people is one of the main reasons. Young people are so engrossed in their lives these days that they ignore the importance of communicating with their parents. The quality time spent with them is quite out of the question. Parents remain alone during old age. They have no one to talk to and often are victims of depression. Likewise, many women who choose to stay at home and serve their family, stay alone for most of the day. They do not have a good social cycle and usually do not have to lend an ear to them. It can be quite frustrating and eventually cause depression among many.


Communication is of utmost importance. To live a full and happy life, it is important to expel one's thoughts and feelings. The more we communicate less, the more complicated we are and the better that we feel about everything around us.


6-Essay on Importance of Communication - 550 Words

Communication is central to all of us, sometimes it is the goal of our efforts. At other times it is a step for any other goal, when we wake up in the morning, till we do not come to bed at night, Do things. Relates to communication or proximity.

And communication is not just a word, words are the basic symbols to be accepted to inform special objects, so before we were communicated with each other (even if only to explain the meaning of words), communication Contains words, sounds, listening and body language, which it is said that we use to communicate more with words.

We have different organizations with different ideas, plans, objectives and paths, but to succeed, we need to interact and help each other in our activities, thus communication is needed. Proper communication involves the ability to select the right words; These words are being communicated to anyone with whom we are communicating with that term to tolerate appropriate body language and in turn, whatever we are communicating in He has the ability to understand.

As a rule, the better one is more successful. People who can communicate effectively, they are as effective as they usually do. These people are clearly able to tell what they want, first themselves and so they are always motivated and filled with purpose, and then working with them so that they can know that What is the goal and what is the part of their play.

Good communicators are good leaders for this reason, they can communicate clearly and effectively to get their goals and plans for those people with whom they work, so everyone understands the goal and It is motivated to work for it.

Often we say and others hear it saying that "what I was trying to say is not" is a sign of a hindrance in the communication process of knowing this statement, most likely because in one of the parties involved Their communication skills are lacking. Our ability to communicate usually parses with the ability to solve our problem because we know and communicate our problems clearly and thus get the right response to solving problems.

Each organization adds to the list of skills needed for potential employees: the ability to communicate effectively. This skill is very important today with the technological advancement brought about by technological advancement, today, to be successful, nobody should be proficient in communication through the use of physically but today's technological means.

Therefore, it is better in our personal relationships that the more we are reconciling, the more familiar we are, the more popular we are as a result.

As many people may feel comfortable communicating, communication is an art and is developed through practice and evaluation, every good communicator passes through a process so that they learn the skills of communication and practice, they Review themselves and decrease where they can be.

Almost all life forms as an activity are widely involved in different ways, communication is an important part of our existence and interaction, our ability to master it is that there can be a difference between what we want And "I'm trying to find the right word." And "What are you trying to say."


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