Essay on Casteism in India in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

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Essay on Casteism in India in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Casteism in India in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.

1 - Essay on Casteism in India - 200 Words

Racism is a system that finds its roots in ancient times. It has been running indiscriminately for years and is pushing the interests of people of upper castes. The people of lower caste are being exploited and there is no one to hear their concerns.

Indian society has been broadly classified into four castes - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Brahmin belongs to upper class. In ancient times, these people were involved in priestly activities and people had great respect for them. Kshatriyas were rulers and warriors. He was considered brave and powerful and was seen only next to the Brahmins.

Vaish came forward. These people were associated with agriculture, trade and business. Shudras were from the lowest caste. People belonging to this caste were laborers. There was also the fifth caste. These people were considered untouchables and they were not considered as human beings. However, people have taken different positions these days, but caste system still exists. People are still judged on the basis of their race and their profession, talent or achievements.

Racism is not only in India but it is also prevalent in some other countries like Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Like India, people in these countries are also facing the wrath of this evil system.


2 - Essay on Caste System in Modern India - 300 Words

The caste system in India came into existence during ancient times and still has a strong foothold in society. However, it would not be wrong to say that the mindset of people is changing over time. This is especially good for people living in metropolitan cities. The highly educated people are becoming acceptants and have not been sticking to the harsh caste system defined by centuries. Amendment in our laws has brought about a change in this regard in the modern Indian society.

Law against caste discrimination

The old Indian caste system has greatly criticized. Many people came forward to fight against it but could not move it. To overcome this heinous social evil, there was a dire need to establish a law against caste discrimination. Thus, after India got independence, it was decided to ban the discrimination based on casteism. The Constitution of India banned it in its constitution. It was a loud and clear message for all those people who used to behave poorly with the people of the lower classes.

Reservation system

While establishing law against caste discrimination was a wise move, another decision taken with it has proved to be destructive for our modern society. This was the beginning of reservation or quota system. The quota system has reserved a few seats for the people of lower classes in the government sector along with the education sector. This system was set up to raise the level of life of backward classes.

However, this has become a major concern in modern India. Due to this reservation system, sometimes the eligible candidates of general category do not have access or employment opportunity, while the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes get same even when they are not efficient or capable.


In modern India, racism should end completely if we really want our country to grow and prosper.


3 - Essay on Casteism in Indian Politics - 400 Words

Racism in India is the root cause of many social and political problems. People sitting in power are using it as a tool to strengthen their position and make money for the money. Racism plays a major role in making decisions of the general public. This has a major impact on the vote bank and in this way politicians use it wisely for their benefit.

Casteism: A Voting Tool

Politicians go to various places to seek votes from the general public before elections. This campaign starts months before the elections, during which politicians try all their efforts to persuade and influence the public to vote in their favor. Our politicians are well aware of how sensitive they are when it comes to their caste and religion. Thus, they use it as a medium to get maximum votes.

Many people, especially in rural areas, do not assess the ability to handle the candidate's qualification, experience or status, nor do they vote if it is from the same caste because it gives them a sense of kinship. Politicians know this and try to emphasize this factor to get maximum votes.

Lack of fair play

While many voters choose their leaders on the basis of their caste, these leaders elect their employees on the basis of similar criteria. He prefers to take the position of people belonging to his caste in the party office. This prevents the eligible candidates from coming forward and playing important roles. Those who are talented and can actually work for the betterment of the society, they are left behind and non-qualified people come to power.

Opposition parties use casteism

Many times, political parties use casteism to spread hatred in the general public and thus create unrest. People in our country get hurt very easily in the name of religion and caste. A small issue sometimes leads to bigger riots which hinder the peace of the nation. This is the simplest way to create turmoil and gives the opposition an opportunity to question the ruling party. The situation of the ruling party becomes weak due to such episodes and it generally works against it during the next elections.


The political system in India is known to be corrupt. Politicians use everyone to pursue their interest. The strong faith of Indians in caste system is their weakness and Indian politicians take the most from their weak position.


4 - Essay on Casteism in India - 500 Words

India is known to be divided by racism. In other social evils, racism has been a major role which has hindered the development of talent in our country. It has also been a cause of harassment. In the past, people have suffered a lot in the hands of this baseless system and are still suffering. Many scholars of our country have tried to oppose and combat the caste system, but it still persists and is only getting stronger.

Racism: reflects religious and social life

Racism in India has specially defined the religious and social life of the people in India, especially those living in rural areas of our country. Over the centuries, people living in Indian villages have been separated on the basis of their caste. They live in different colonies and are treated on the basis of their caste. In earlier times, people from different castes used to go to different wells to buy water and buy food from different places. A Brahmin had never taken food from a person of a lower caste.

People of upper class are seen and respected in India. They are privileged. On the other hand, the people of the lower classes are kept on watch. They are treated poorly and they are deprived of many rights. In earlier times, people of lower castes were not allowed to enter the temples because they were considered impure.

It is considered a crime to marry a person of another race in our country. While people living in metropolitan cities are open for the idea of ​​inter-caste marriages in the modern age, in villages it is still seen as a heinous crime. People do not hesitate to take the lives of those people who marry a person of another race.

Racism: A Social Evil

Racism is considered a social evil. This is an unjust system which is ruthlessly exploiting a section of society. Low class people are working hard to make space in society. However, even if the lower class person wants education and he gets a good job, yet he should not be given respect in the society as he should get. This has been the cause of the crisis for the people of the lower classes.

Racism: the reason for concern for the upper classes

In the modern era, racism has also become a cause for worry for the upper class people. This is because the Indian government has started the quota system to raise the standard of living of the lower classes. This has been done to provide more opportunities to the lower class people so that they can be equal to the upper class people. However, it has done more harm than good to the society. It is killing talent and is contributing to the brain drain in India.


Racism is hampering the development and development of our country as it forces the genuine talent to nurture properly. It also becomes the basis of hatred among people belonging to different classes. This system is harming the society as well as the society.


5 - Essay on Casteism in India - 600 Words

Racism divides society into several parts. This is a threat to any society because it creates a bias and negatively affects the behaviors of individuals. It is popular in many parts of the world. India has been a victim of racism since centuries. This bad system is eating our society and hinders its development.

Origin of racism in India

Many theories have exploded about the origin of racism in India. According to one of these principles, the caste system in India was started with the arrival of Aryans who had infiltrated our country in 1500 BC. It is believed that they had come together with this system for separating the society with this system and for better control of things and better control.

They separated people on the basis of their profession. It was his strategy to rule more efficiently. This system should have been abolished because his rule was over but it continued because it was serving the upper caste of Indian society. People of upper caste have been promoting this system for centuries and the lower classes have been suffering from their hands.

According to Manusmriti, ancient texts on Hinduism, racism came into existence in the year 1000 BC. On the other hand, according to Hindu theologians, this system was introduced by Brahma which is the creator of the universe. Hindu theologians believe that people who came from Lord Brahma's head became priests or teachers, those who came from their hands became warriors or rulers, those who came from their thighs had become laborers or farmers The people who came from their feet became involved Cleaning and comprehensive work.

Various castes and influences on society

Indian society has been divided into four classes based on casteism. These are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Brahmin is at the top of the hierarchy. They are considered a superior race. In ancient times, the priests made a part of this section. Then came Kshatriya who was a ruler and warrior in earlier times.

Vaishya belonged to the working class. Merchants, artisans and laborers made a part of this group in ancient times. Shudras were those who were involved in cleaning and cleaning. This is the lowest caste. Although people have changed their occupations over time, they are still divided into different castes who were involved in their ancestors on the basis of profession.

People of upper castes see and exploit the lower caste people. Unity among citizens is important for the growth and development of any country. Citizens will have to get equal opportunities for working, studying and prospering together. A country where people are not standing together and do not support each other. Unfortunately, racism has divided India. In our country, people are divided in the name of religion and caste. They hate people of other castes and religions very much. This is proving to be a major obstacle in the development of our society.


Casteism is a deep root in Indian society. Although the mentality of the people is changing over time and laws have been introduced to prevent discrimination against it, there is not much gain in this direction. People of lower classes are still being exploited by the upper class people in India.

On the other hand, the reservation law initiated for the upliftment of the lower classes has proved to be unjust. Constitution of India should be completely away from the caste system. People should be given entry and employment on the basis of their knowledge, skill and ability, not on their caste basis. This will bring true freedom. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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