Road safety is a common and important topic, it has been linked to various areas like education, social awareness etc. to bring more awareness among the general public especially the new age group. Like project preparation, discussion, question-answer participants or essay writing competition, students should be well aware of this subject in order to fulfill the following requirements in their school. Looking at the need of the students, we are presenting useful essays on various word boundaries and on road safety in very simple language which will prove to be beneficial for your children for various competitions. Here you can find some Essays on Road Safety in English language for students in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 600 words.
Essay on road safety 1 (100 words)
Road safety is a protective step to reduce the risk of road accidents and roadside injury due to the mistakes of people while driving on the road. We can not count the deaths of people and road accidents occurring everyday due to the shortage of road traffic followers and mistakes in driving. There is a danger of injury and death with every person walking on the road. Such as pedestrians, motor cyclists, cyclists, laggir etc.
Everyone should be well aware of road traffic rules, especially for the children and young people who are at risk of important road accidents. According to statistics (World Health Organization, 2008), it has been found that the main cause of high recruitment in hospitals and the main cause of death is road accidents.
Essay 2 on Road Safety (150 words)
Road safety is very important during the road and must be well know by all because the main reasons for death are becoming a road accident. Everyone should know about the traffic rules and safety rules from their early days so that they can adopt a protective behavior in later life. Here are some road safety rules:
- All those walking on the road should walk towards their left, especially the driver coming from the other side and the vehicle coming from the other side.
- The driver should keep the speed slow while driving on the road.
- Be more careful while moving on more busy roads and road junctions.
- Two-wheelers should wear good quality helmets or they should not come on the road without a helmet.
- Keep the speed of the carriage up to the prescribed limits, especially in schools, hospitals, colony etc.
- All vehicles must be fixed distance from other vehicles.
- All the people walking on roads are well aware of the signs and rules on the road.
- Keep the rules and regulations of road safety in mind during the journey.
Essay 3 on Road Safety (200 words)
As we all know that road accidents, injuries and deaths have become very common in today's days. The main reason for such accidents on the road is the ignore of road traffic rules and road safety measures by the people. Regarding road accidents, we always hear in the news or by our friends, due to driving in the wrong direction, lack of road safety rules and measures, fast speed, drunk driving etc. To reduce the number of everyday road accidents, the government has set up various types of road traffic and road safety rules for all those who use road to protect them. We must obey all those rules and controllers such as the use of protective movement, use of safeguards, keeping the speed limit correct, understanding the road marks etc.
Due to the use of cell phones or other electronic equipment during the drive, the danger of road accidents has increased due to the driver's distraction. In such cases, traffic rules and laws help you to avoid road accidents and injuries. Road safety measures are weapons that can save you from expensive traffic jurisdictions, serious crimes, removal of driving licenses etc. Pedestrians also know the rules for walking on the road such as proper use of the crosswalk, the use of the zebra crossing etc.
Essay 4 on Road Safety (250 words)
Road safety is the prevention and prevention of road accidents by using all road safety measures. While traveling on the road, it is meant to save people. To keep all the people using this road safe, such as for pedestrians, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, multi-wheelers and other vehicles. It is very good and safe for all people to follow road safety measures throughout their life. Everyone should respect others while driving or walking while taking care of their safety.
Road side is one of the most important aspects to avoid accidents, injuries and deaths, safety of people on the road. We can evaluate the importance of road safety on the basis of national statistical data about the complete information of accidents and death. In about 42% of cases, pedestrians and one-way roads are used.
There are several ways of generating awareness among the common people such as seminars, workshops, curriculum by adding basic road-security lessons, student education, stop, see, listen, think and then cross i.e. people about green cross code Make awareness, learn traffic lights, understand road signs etc. All the road safety measures help a lot to avoid all road problems. There are some effective measures for road safety, such as the basic information about the vehicle, the use of protective conduction, vehicle lights and horn as per the weather conditions, wear of the seat belt, the correct use of vehicle glass, avoiding excessive speed, road lights Understanding, keeping distance from other vehicles on the road, proper understanding of handling of trouble situation, broadcast documentary awareness on TV etc.
Essay on road safety 5 (300 words)
Road accident is becoming very common due to the collision of vehicles and the ignorance of proper road safety measures. The number of deaths due to accidents is increasing by the people ignoring the road safety rules and the collision of vehicles. All roads are busy for the whole day, where the vehicle runs at its high speed. In today's world, people have a habit of private vehicles due to which traffic problems on the roads are increasing more than before. In such a situation, traffic rules and road safety rules are required by people to follow carefully the operation of safe conduct. After that, there will be some obstacles in road accidents.
Before starting the drive on the road, each person should do a safeguarding course (guidance provided by an authorized train school instructor). This is very important for road safety purposes. Everyone should be aware of how to handle the various accidents and life on the road (how to operate the vehicles) or the serious situation arising from themselves. As an important topic, the road safety measures should be added to the school, so that students can get complete information about it in their initial time even before the movement. Most road accidents are due to incorrect information about the operation of vehicles and proper road safety measures. Day-to-day driving on the road is becoming unsafe. Many times people keep their personal vehicles without any regular maintenance and repair, so it is very important that with time to repair, be assured of the proper working conditions of the vehicles. It not only increases the life of the vehicle; It also helps in reducing accidents. The driver should carefully check the brake brake and be aware of the warning signs of the break up.
Prior to going on any trip, the first aid box, emergency equipment, gasoline etc. should be kept in proper quantity and the vehicle should be checked thoroughly.
Essay on road safety 6 (600 words)
Every person on earth should pay full attention to road safety whether or not he uses the vehicle or not. Due to the lack of guidance of elders, children and students are the weakest group towards road accidents, minor injuries or major injuries. In their initial times, there should be no delay in making children aware about road safety rules and measures. It is the duty of parents and teachers to guide them well.
Need for Road Safety Knowledge for Children
According to statistics, it has been found that most road accident cases in which children are involved, because they are more at risk than other age group group. They need road safety knowledge and education since their inception. It should be started from their home and school by adding them as subjects in their curriculum. The following points given here will indicate that why road safety is very important:
- Children, there are children, no one is confident about what will do next in the house or elsewhere in the streets especially during the traffic situation.
- Children are absolutely innocent, they can not evaluate the fast moving vehicles on the road.
- Due to their small stature, drivers can not even moodle their moods on the road when they try to cross the road in front of the vehicle.
- They can not guess how often the vehicles come on the empty road.
- They can cross the road from anywhere because they do not know the proper way to cross the road.
- They are scared soon and do not understand what they should do when they see the vehicle coming towards us.
Road safety rules for children
Some important road safety rules play an important role in protecting children from road accidents by making them responsible pedestrians on the road:
- Parents should make their children extra careful and teach them about looking at every side (left and right) before crossing the road.
- Children should always keep holding the hand of their elders or friends while crossing the road.
- They do not want to run on the road anytime, leaving the parent's hand or not in a hurry and be patient.
- They need not be distracted due to any reason and they need to be more conscious on the road.
- To follow only the footpath, they should make habit by their parents or always use the left side of the road where the sidewalk is unavailable.
- After seeing traffic signals for pedestrians, they should teach them only to cross the road at the intersection.
- Know the meaning of colors on the road (red means green, meaning yellow and also yellow), tell the basic information of traffic light and the importance of traffic signs.
- They should use the back side of the passenger seat while coming out of the car or bus.
- Children should teach children about not playing in the area on the road or out of play area.
- During the operation of the bike on the road by properly checking the brakes, horns and steering or handles, the use of all accessories and helmets should be worn.
- Children should not wear earphones or any other means of listening to music while driving a bike on the road.
- During wearing a seat belt or biking, the abbuter should teach them to wear helmets. In order to present a good example, the adolescents should follow all the rules related to road safety, because in the life of their children, parents are the first example to learn some work.
In order to reduce the number of road accidents and injury cases, road safety is very important for all age groups to be alert and safe. Therefore, everyone should strictly follow all the rules, controllers and signs of road traffic lights. To get proper education by the teachers in the school and to get good education from the children at home, their children should be well aware of road safety through correct knowledge.
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