Essay on Junk Food

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Junk food is not a good food for health, which all children and adolescents should know; Because they usually like to eat junk food. Essay essay on junk food is a general topic in essay competition, which is given to educate children about junk food. Here are some essays and simple essays on junk food; From which you can choose essay on any junk food as per your requirement and requirement. For students 100, 150, 200, 250, 350 and 450 words you can find some essay on junk food in English language.

Essay 1 on junk food (100 words)

It is very important for all of us to live a healthy life; For which we need to adopt healthy eating habits and healthy habits throughout life. Although, in many ways the practice of eating junk food is increasing daily and our future is full of tragedy and disease, which is affecting our future generations in particular. Parents should take care of the food and drinking habits of their children because children do not know right and wrong in their childhood nor do they make decisions. Therefore, they are parents who are fully responsible for right and wrong habits in children. They should teach their children about their eating habits from their childhood, as well as explain the difference in the health-enhancing food and junk food.

Essay 2 on junk food (150 words)

Generally, junk food is very attractive and tasty and it is also preferred by people of all age groups. However, it is very true that they are very dirty (inefficient) from inside as they appear from outside, they are never in any way from inside. Junk food is never considered good for health, it has proved to be useless in all ways. Junk food is very poor for health and who regularly bites them, they invite many diseases. There are many diseases like heart problems, cancer, premature aging, hypertension, bone problems, diabetes, mental illness, problems of digestive system, liver problems, breast cancer etc.

According to research, it has been found that the young age is very sensitive, during which a person should eat well-being health food. Because there are many variations in the body due to moving towards adult age group during this age.

Essay 3 on junk food (200 words)

The meaning of junk food is that it is not good for a healthy body. It lacks nutrition and is harmful to the body's mechanism. Most junk food is full of fat, sugar, salinity and bad cholesterol at high levels, which is a poison for health. They lack nutrients, so it is easy to cause constipation and other digestive disorders. Due to good taste and easy cooking, junk food has gained quite popularity. Already made in the market, junk footy polythene has been packed. Many people rely on this kind of junk food, because of their busy routine or ignorance of cooking food.

Junk food consumption is increasing day by day all over the world, which is not good for the future. People of all ages prefer to eat junk food and generally, when they enjoy some special time, Along with, like birthday, wedding anniversary, etc. Various types of junk food available in the market; Use cold drinks, wafers, chips, noodles, burgers, pizzas, french fries, Chinese food, etc.

Essay 4 on junk food (250 words)

As we all know the truth of junk food and there is no need for any introduction. Still, it is a very interesting question that even after knowing the truth, why do all people like to eat junk food? Nowadays, we all taste junk food because they are delicious, affordable and ready. Junk food does not have any nutrients and essential nutrition for health. If they are consumed regularly, it is very harmful to health, they reduce the energy level of the body and create insomnia. This reduces concentration levels and deadly diseases; For example, people like words, gas, hormone imbalance, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

Junk food is very tasty and because of this there is a lack of nutrients, they have difficulty in digesting and their action requires more energy from the body and the level of oxygen in the body decreases, the brain Due to this there is no proper development of junk food cholesterol and which damage the heart and liver due to the lack of nutrients, this stomach and other digestive organ A stress does and what causes constipation.

Junk food is always harmful to health, and if it is taken regularly, it can harm health without any benefit. To live a good, healthy and enjoyable life in our life, we must ignore junk food meals.

Essay 5 on junk food (350 words)

The word junk food is very much in itself and indicates its harmful nature for health. Junk food is a waste of food for health because it is rich in calories, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salinity etc. Nowadays, children and young people are very fond of eating junk food in large quantities. They are taking their lives towards danger through an unhealthy lifestyle. Usually, whenever they feel hungry, they consume chips, French fries, craxes, snacks, choumeins, burgers, pizzas, pasta, and other junk food. Junk food is not beneficial for us and nothing nourishes.
It affects all life, weight, and health conditions of all age groups. Junk food contains high calorie intake, however, whichever food eats, it also takes a quick appetite. Junk food does not get the required level of energy; In this way, the person who consumes food instantly becomes a tendency to eat. Whatever we get from junk food, there is unhealthy fat and there is no good element in it; In this way, we feel the lack of oxygen and which makes the brain function unusable. We take very high amount of cholesterol from this type of food which inhibits the functioning of the arteries and creates problems in the blood circulation of the heart. That is why, we feel very weakness. High levels of bad cholesterol harm our liver and increase weight as well.

According to research, children and teens eat more junk food on a regular basis, and due to which their weight increases and many problems of heart and liver are also produced. These types of children have to face problems like diabetes and laziness due to the presence of more sugar in the body at an early age. Due to high level sodium minerals in junk food, their blood pressure is high. Children and adolescents should develop good habits only by their parents in childhood.


Essay 6 on junk food (450 words)

Junk food tastes good, due to which it is preferred by children of almost all age groups, especially children and children going to school and college. They are usually asked by parents to eat junk food regularly in childhood, due to which they develop this tendency. Parents never discuss the bad effects of junk food with their children. According to the research of scientists, it has been found that they put negative effects on health in many ways. These are usually fried packed food, which are found in the market. These include calorie and colostrol, sodium minerals, sugar, stroke, excessive of unhealthy fat and lack of nutrients and protein elements. Junk food is a means of rapid weight gain and has a negative impact on the body throughout life. It makes a person more weight-able, which is called obesity. Junk food tastes good and they are good in appearance, however, does not satisfy the need for healthy calories in the body. Some foods such as French fries, fried food, pizza, burgers, candies, cold drinks, ice creams, etc. are high-quality fat and sugar. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center, it has been found that children and juveniles who eat junk food, they have different types of diabetes. These different types of diabetes are not able to regulate regular sugar levels in the body. Increasing this disease increases the risk of obesity and overweight. It also increases the risk of kidney failure.

Daily junk food leads to our body's lack of nutrition. They lack the necessary nutrients, vitamins, iron, minerals etc. nutrients. It increases the risk of cardiac malignant diseases because it contains excess of fat, sodium, bad cholesterol. Higher sodium and bad cholesterol increase blood pressure and puts more pressure on the heart. A person who eats more junk food, is at risk of losing weight and is fat and unhealthy. High-level carbohydrate is found in junk food, which increases blood sugar levels faster and makes the person lazy. The reflection and sensory organs of the regular eating person become lean day by day. Thus, they live very dull lives. Junk food is a source of constipation and other diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, which is due to poor nutrition. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @ [email protected]

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