Essay on Leadership in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

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Essay on Leadership in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Leadership: Introduction, Functions, Types, Features and Importance in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.


1 - Essay on the Introduction to Leadership

It is a specialty of every group whether small or big leader. The leadership event is obvious in children's play, in adults' games, in trade unions in one industry and in many other situations. Ethical is that groups need leaders if they have to pull together as a team.

It has been a controversial problem as the leadership developed and human cases have not come to any final agreement in spite of their efforts to evaluate the role of leaders in group behavior.

Leaders are either necessary or history has been created by them or the leaders are merely an expression of popular needs. The first scene is called "leader theory" or "great-man theory" of history. It is believed that people drown in deliberate confusion until a talented leader takes orders and tells them what to do. He can fulfill the social change for good or bad, but the truth is that he completes much more than what he actually does.

For example, Hitler is said to have killed millions of people, but literally, he did not kill himself and still he is credited for events like murder and victory. The second view is a sociological approach.

It says that history creates or selects man, not vice versa. Social and cultural development is considered to be in compliance with its own laws, and the presence of a particular person in the form of a leader is purely coincidental.

For example, if a society is in war, a peaceful leader will not be tolerated; In other words, every leader will have to follow the needs of the group. In short, sometimes according to the needs of the leader group, the leadership effect is already achieved as a result of its determined role in the structured group. Sometimes, the group does not have any predetermined structure and the leader leaves the group.


2 - Essay on the Definition of Leadership

Some conditions in organization behavior inspire less agreement on definition than leadership. As one expert said, "there are almost as many definitions of leadership as those who are presently who have tried to define the concept of leadership."

Although almost everyone agrees that a leadership process involves leadership, the differences are focused on the fact that leadership should be non-violent (as the use of authorization, prizes and penalties to influence followers Is opposed to) and whether it is different from management.

The latter issue has been a particularly hot topic of debate in recent years, most experts argue that leadership and management are different.

For example, Abraham Zeloznick of Harvard Business School argues that leaders and managers are completely different people. They differ in inspiration, personal history and how they think with a work skill. Zeloznick says that managers have a tendency to adopt impersonal forms when they are inactive, not approachable, while the leaders adopt a personal and active attitude toward goals in the company.

The manager includes a combination of people and ideas as a competent process to see the work, which negotiate to establish strategies and make decisions in the organization.

Leaders really work from higher risk positions; They often deal with nature to seek risk and danger, especially when opportunities and reward appear high. Managers like to work with people; They avoid the solitary activity because it worries them.

They belong to people in the sequence of events or in the process of decision-making, according to their role played by them. Leaders, who are related to ideas, are more comfortable and powerful in relation to people.

John Kotter, a colleague of Zeloznick at Harvard, also argues that leadership is different from management, but for different reasons in any organization. Management, he proposes, is about coping with the past one complexity.

Good management brings order and stability by attracting formal plans, by designing rigid organization structures and monitoring outcomes against plans. Leadership, on the contrary, is about copying with changes.

The leaders set the direction by developing the vision of the future, then they communicate with the people in this view and inspire to overcome obstacles. The quote looks at both the strong leadership and strong management needed for optimal organizational effectiveness.

But they believe that most organizations are controlled and managed. They claim that we need to pay more attention to developing leadership in organizations because in-charge people are very concerned with keeping things on time and budget, and what was done yesterday, it was doing only five percent better.

According to Chester I Bernard, "Leaders refer to the quality of the person's behavior, from which they guide the people in organized efforts."

Contose and O'Donnell define managerial leadership as "the ability to interact with communication for achieving a goal". Since managers get things through people, their success depends largely on their ability to provide leadership. "

Terry defined, "The activity of volunteering for the purposes of the leadership group is to influence people.

Fideller defines "This is a personal relationship in which a person directs, coordinates and supervises others in performing a common task."

According to Alfred and Beattie, "Leadership is the ability to voluntarily work safely from a group of followers, without force."

In this way, leadership is the art of influencing and motivating subordinates to achieve their objectives, voluntarily, competently and enthusiastically to achieve group objectives. Management writers should point out that, "Leadership is the process of influencing an individual or group's efforts in attempts to achieve the goal."


3 - Essay on the Functions of a Leader

The leader, whether nominated or emerging, has influence on the members of his group in fulfilling his work. Crèche, Crutchfield and Bullock, distinguish 13 potential works by a leader. Table 14.1 gives different tasks that a leader should perform. It is true that not all leaders do all these work in every group, and the relative importance of each function varies according to the nature of each group.

Not all leadership work is necessarily done by a single person in a well structured group with a designated leader. When a designated leader in a well-structured group fails to perform his functions, then another leader can emerge. Bells (1950) found that in unstructured small groups, two leaders often emerge.

One person was characterized by the group as the most guided and controlling discussion and doing the best ideas. This person, however, was not usually liked the most. The task of resolving stress and preserving group unity fell on another member of the group, which was generally preferred by its fellow members.

  • Executive
  • Planner
  • Policy-maker
  • Expert
  • External Group Resresentative
  • Controller of Internal Relations
  • Purveyor of Punishments and Rewards
  • Arbitrator and Mediator
  • Exemplar or Model
  • Substitute for Individual Responsibility
  • Ideologist
  • Father Figure
  • Scapegoat

In an unstructured group when members have negotiated for a period of time, a structure emerges, in which there is a leader and some followers. Many investigators studying different groups have been examined. Mana reviewed literature in the field of leadership and found some symptoms which are mentioned in the form of characteristics of the leaders continuously. In general, leaders are more intelligent, better adjusted, more effective, more masculine, less conservative and more socially perceptual than other members of the group.

It is important to keep in mind that this is not just a list of personality characteristics of a person but it is a list of relationships between the person and the group. This shows that there is no leader personality for all types of groups. The way a person becomes a leader depends on the characteristics of the group members and the nature of the group work. Gib has shown that the leadership rating changes for one person only when faced with various tasks of groups.


4 - Essay on the Types of Leadership

Basically, a leader is a person who influences a group that he advocates. The leader is really a major influence because he influences the members of the groups to accept their proposals. Leadership can lead either formal leadership of informal leadership.

I. Formal Leadership:

The formal leader affects the members of their group primarily because they occupy a formally recognized position. He is the president, the president or the king. Their role is to try to influence their followers and follow the role of followers. Often, followers accept the formal leader's views because the leader has authority over them and distributes prizes and penalties.

However, there is no possibility of any effect going on for long based on the threat of punishment. Followers, of course, will follow the orders until they are afraid of getting caught. Such a leadership can not be very effective, although in some situations, such as war or extreme financial crisis, it can be worth working outside of the sheer requirement. Generally, a leader is most effective when his followers accept his ideas because they really believe in them.

ii. Informal leadership:

The informal leader does not get his influence from a formal position and still, he can be quite successful in his group. Members of the group obey his leadership because his personal qualities explain to him that he can fulfill his needs by accepting his ideas. Usually, in this situation, the members of the group do not know how to achieve their goals, they turn to informal leaders for ways and means of achieving their group's goals.

Members of the group experience the quality of efficiency in handling group-facing tasks in their informal leaders. The group often depends on the previous performance of the leader. Past performance, however, is not the only basis for accepting informal leader's views. A person who is well-liked, has a better chance of accepting his ideas, and thus in comparison to influencing people, which is less popular. Likes and dislikes, therefore, the members of the group have to influence in choosing a leader.

In the end, the evidence shows that the more the person is as outspoken, the more likely it is that a leader will be chosen compared to the less vocal person, at least in the first steps of the existence of the group. A vocal person is a person who talks a great deal and moves a relatively large number of ideas.

If he is not arrogant and aggressive in asserting himself, then his active participation puts him out in a group. Apart from this, since the vocalist usually moves his ideas with confidence, the members of the group feel that his views are correct.

Social impact on a person can come from organized groups or unorganized groups. A organized group is a gathering of physically present people, which is like a circle in a church, or a viewer in an auditorium. On the other hand, an unorganized group is a gathering of people who temporarily joined together to solve an issue but there is no plan for the future.

The most obvious examples of the impact on the person in the behavior of crowd and crowd are seen. A gathering can be said to be a gathering of people who attract common attention of meditation sharing similar feelings.

It can be a group of anxious and fearful viewers of an accident, or a sympathetic viewer in a fire, and an enthusiastic fan in sports and sports. If common sense is very intense, especially if it is anger, and if enough action is not taken, then the crowd turns into a crowd.

Some factors, which seem respectable for crowded action and crowd behavior:

(1) Background factor:

The crowded behavior is most likely to happen, where there is long term frustration, which is due to either consolidated hostility towards particular groups, suddenly generates normal sensitivity.

For example, in very less socio-economic conditions, people can be potentially crowded for higher socio-economic conditions. Similarly, the general hostility of frustrated men and the general hostility towards employers can be the behavior of the crowd.

(2) Initial factors:

In such situations, some incidents occur, which create a multitude of attention by focusing on it and starting normal feelings. Once, there is intensity of emotion, which transforms a crowd into the crowd. Speech and gesture of people expressing similar feelings increase the feelings of the person.

His increased feelings intensify the feelings of others. For example, when a low caste person attacks a high caste woman, then this incident is enough to break the crowd in the fury of a crowd.

(3) Strength factor:

Since the crowd is excited with strong emotions, therefore important thinking is abandoned, which creates psychological effects that strengthen the participants. The characteristics of crowd behavior are the feeling of universality. The person feels that everyone is with him who is doing it.

Second, he feels power in this sense that he can do whatever he likes and nothing can stop him. In the end, there is a sense of oblivion because he can get out of the crowd and can not claim any responsibility for violence and nuisance.


5 - Essay on the Features of Leadership

1. It is a process of impact on the members of the group used by a leader. A leader is one who influences the behavior, attitude and belief of his followers.

2. This is the work of excitement. It involves motivating people to voluntarily strive towards organizational goals.

3. It gives a sense of contribution to common purposes. Leader recognizes every person's efforts and activities in the organization.

4. It is related to a specific situation at any given time and in any specific situation. Leadership style will change from one position to another.

5. This is a shared experience. A good leader shares ideas, experiences and credits with his followers. It allows subordinates to influence their behavior so that they are satisfied with the type of leadership provided.

6. It is not titration or bossism. Prominence is the practice of formal authority and control, while the use of persuasion involves the use of leadership in the leadership.

7. This implies the existence of followers; Formalize the authority of the subordinate leader and make possible the leadership process.

8. Target accomplishment is achieved; The objective of Leader's efforts is to achieve some achievement.


6 - Essay on the Importance of Leadership

Think about all groups involved in your life clubs, student associations, religious groups, teams Is anything normal in them? Social psychologists suggest that they do this because they probably meet the requirements of the following definitions - they meet two or more people who interact with each other, have shared goals, some Are interdependent in the way (which happens to be what is affected) others, and see themselves as members of the group.

In other words, the groups you have taken into consideration are psychologists who are described as true social groups. On the contrary, only meetings of people who are not interdependent do not have common goals, and they do not consider themselves as a member of a group (for example, people standing at the bus stop or waiting outside the theater ) Are not the right social groups-and probably were not included in your list.

Why do we distinguish this? Because true social groups, unlike mere meetings of people, often have a powerful influence on their members. Such groups influence the performance of their members, to the extent that the members coordinate their efforts (i.e., cooperation), decision members and many other processes. Obviously, we can not think of all these effects here. As an example, how the groups influence their members, therefore, we focus on such an impact leadership.

For starters, try this simple demonstration with your friends. Ask them to rate themselves on a seven-point scale from 1 (very few) to 7 (very high) on the basis of leadership capability. As long as your friends are not a very unusual group, what you will find here. Most will rate themselves as average or more on this dimension. This shows that they see leadership very favorably.

But what exactly is leadership? Definitions vary, but see most psychological leadership as a process through which a member of a group (its leader) influences the members of other groups to achieve the shared group goals. In other words, being a leader involves the effect - a leader is a member of the group which has the highest impact within the group.

Research on leadership has long been a part of social psychology, but it is also studied by other areas.

In this discussion, we will focus on two issues which are given a lot of attention:

(1) Why some people become leaders, but not others, and

(2) Nature of charismatic leadership.

Who is the leader? Role of symptoms and situations:

Are some people born to lead? General knowledge shows that this is so. Famous leaders like Alexander the Great, Queen Elizabeth I and Abraham Lincoln seem to be different from the general public in many cases. Such comments prompted early researchers to prepare the great person theory of leadership: the idea that great leaders have some characteristics that separate them from the symptoms of most humans, which all such leaders would have No matter where they live or where they are.

These are intriguing thoughts, but until 1980 researchers offered little support for them. As they can, try that the researchers can not come up with a small list of the major symptoms shared by all the great leaders. In recent years, however, this situation has changed. In collaboration with more sophisticated research methods, a better understanding of the basic dimensions of human personality, many researchers have concluded that leaders are different from other people in many important ways.

What special features do the leaders have? The findings of the research point to this conclusion that the leaders are more on the following symptoms than most people: Drive the desire for achievement coupled with high energy and determination; Self-confidence; Creativity, and the desire to be in charge of leadership and motivate others to take power. Apart from this, and perhaps most important of all, leaders or at least successful people have the flexibility that they are highly capable of recognizing the need for action or attitude in any situation and work accordingly.

Although some signs seem to be related to leadership, it is also clear that leaders do not work in a social vacuum. On the contrary, facing different groups, different actions and problems, different types of leaders are required - or at least such leaders who perform different styles. So yes, the symptom counts where leadership is concerned; But the symptoms are definitely part of the total picture, and it is confusing to conclude that all leaders share the same synergies everywhere and at all times.

Charismatic leader: Leaders who change the world:

Have you ever seen John F. Kennedy's films? Franklin D. Roosevelt? Martin Luther King Jr.? If so, you may have seen that these leaders seemed to be something special. As you listen to their speeches, you may find yourself shaken by their words and shake the strength of their productions. You are certainly not alone in such reactions: These leaders made a powerful impact on many millions and by doing so, they changed their societies.

Leaders who fulfill such feats are described as charismatic (or, sometimes, transformational). How are the charismatic leaders able to produce their intense effects? Apparently, through a combination of behaviors and attributes that allow these leaders to establish a special kind of relationship with the followers - one in which the higher level towards the leader of the followers and the higher level of the leader's vision or goals There is enthusiasm. As a specialist of this topic says, charismatic leaders in some way "do extraordinary things to ordinary people"

But what, okay, charismatic leaders do to create such an impact? The findings of the research emphasize the importance of the following factors. First of all, such leaders generally offer a vision. They describe, in an inflammable, emotional words, an image of what their society or group can be and what needs to be done. Followers accept this view, the level of their commitment to leader and leader's goals can be intense.

Second, the charismatic leader goes beyond a dream or vision: they also provide a path to reach him. They tell their followers, how to reach them straight from the words, from here. It also seems important, for a vision that seems unreachable, people are unlikely to motivate them to work to achieve it.

Third, charismatic leaders are involved in preparing. They define goals for their groups that give additional meaning and purpose to goals and actions necessary to achieve them. In the Middle Ages, the story of two stone-bearers working on a cathedral gives a clear picture of such framing.

When they were asked what they were doing, one responded, "Cut this stone, of course." The second responded, "To build the world's most beautiful temple for the glory of God." Which person would be likely to work hard and, perhaps. Do "extraordinary things"? The answer is obvious - and it is also clear that any leader who can create such thinking in himself or his followers can have a profound influence on them too.

Other behaviors shown by charismatic leaders include high level of confidence, high level of concern for the needs of followers, an excellent communication style and an active personal style. In the end, research findings emphasize the importance of charity actions by charismatic leaders, such leaders leave important personal benefits (wealth, status, convenience) for the good of the group and their vision.

With such self-sacrifice, the followers of the followers conclude that the leaders are honest and working on the basis of the principle, and see this person as charismatic. In turn, these assumptions increase the leader's influence. In short, charisma is not as mysterious as many people believe. Rather, it remains firmly on the theories and processes deemed by social psychologists.

Tags : Essay on Leadership, Long Essay on Leadership, Short Essay on Leadership, Essay on the Introduction to Leadership, Essay on the Definition of Leadership, Essay on the Functions of a Leader, Essay on the Types of Leadership, Essay on the Features of Leadership, Essay on the Importance of Leadership Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @ [email protected]

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