Speech on Yoga in English - Very Easy and Simple Speeches

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Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. "Speech on Yoga" which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams students.


1-Speech on Yoga

Good Morning All!

International Yoga Day was celebrated for the first time on June 21, 2015. In the United Nations General Assembly by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 27 September, he was announced after his address in 2014. United Nations General Assembly. On that day, people in the record number practiced yoga in Delhi under the leadership of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It was the world record of highest participation in a single yoga session. This is a great achievement for Indians. More than 170 countries including the United States, China, Canada etc. participated in the event. To increase awareness about the benefits of yoga, organized activities like yoga training campus, yoga competitions and so many activities were celebrated internationally. It is celebrated to tell you that regular yoga practice improves mental, physical and intellectual health. It changes your lifestyle positively and enhances the level of welfare.

Yoga is not just a physical exercise where you turn, turn, stretch and breathe in the most complex ways. These are actually only the most superficial aspects of this deep science to bring forth the infinite possibilities of the human mind and the soul. It leads to the healthy development of mind, body and soul by mastering some yoga posture or posture with breathing techniques. Special mention of pranayama is required. This is the simplest form of yoga that is done before any posture. It teaches you how to do your body miracle by gaining control of your breath.

Objectives of International Yoga Day:

  • Let us tell you about the wonderful and natural benefits of Yoga.
  • To reduce the rate of health-challenging illnesses all over the world.
  • To get a lot of communities from busy schedules to spend a day for health.
  • Worldwide development, development and peace spread.
  • To help you get relief from stress through yoga.
  • To spread awareness about how yoga can cure physical and mental diseases.
  • Promote better mental, physical and spiritual growth through yoga practice.

Positive effects of yoga on children:

  • Improve your brain's functions, memory and concentration.
  • Helps you gain flexibility and improves your currency.
  • Helps in improving blood circulation that is essential for the healthy growth of your mind and body.
  • It plays a very important role in helping you cope with stress.

In this way, keeping in mind all the formulas, International Yoga Day has come into existence and is celebrated worldwide on 21st June to spread awareness about the positive effects of yoga throughout the world.


2-Speech on Yoga

Good Morning ladies and gentlemen!

I warmly welcome all of you to our yoga auditorium and today is a very special day for our "Stay Fit Organization" because our organization has completed five years of success in motivating people to stay fit through yoga. Are for As the manager of this organization, I am feeling very special to host this program. As our organization is about yoga and fitness, in this context, I would like to say a few words about yoga and it can help to inspire new people to stay fit.

First of all, it is very important to understand that what is yoga? It is a union between body and mind, or we can say that it is a way of balancing the mind and body. Yoga was said to be originated in India and therefore, it is known as "yoga" throughout the world. Today, the knowledge and practice of yoga is being broadcast all over the world and which is very good. In yoga, we learn about many body parts or pose for keeping ourselves fit, such as sitting, standing, bowing forward, bowing backwards, vomiting posture etc. There are uncounted poses in yoga.

Flexibility is required in many poses like Plos Pose, Pigeon Pose, Upward Bo Pose, Fish Poses etc. And many people do not have enough flexibility in the body, so there are many other poses that do not require high flexibility, such as the right pose, mountain pose, chair pause, triangle pose etc. Since there are uncounted poses, they are uncountable. Benefits of practicing yoga too. The profit is from one currency to another. Yoga is fully qualified and has the ability to cure respiratory problems, stomach problems, nervous system related diseases, etc. It helps to remove negativity and toxic substances from our body. It helps in reducing stress levels and raising awareness. Especially for children, this concentration helps in strength and concentration. It can be said that it is the best medicine to cure respiratory problems and works best for stomach disorders like abdominal pain and infection. It also helps in enhancing personality because automatically, if a person is disease free, he will look good and healthy.

After being aware of all these benefits, I hope many of you are willing to pursue yoga in order to lead a healthy life because we all know that health is wealth.

Since this is a special day for our organization, so today our organization is giving three days of free trial sessions to all those people who are interested in yoga. I am convincing you that this is going to change your life because I have experienced it myself. Yoga is the best way to stay healthy and maintain body balance.

On this note, I would like to end my speech and to join us and to make this program a success, such a motivational event and definitely want to extend special thanks to our management community for the people .

I wish you all a great day!


3-Speech on Yoga

Good morning honorable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends!

As we all know, today is 21st June 2017 and this date has been declared as "International Yoga Day" by "United Nations General Assembly". This date was proposed by our Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. It is said that on this day, the first yogi (Adi Guru) started giving knowledge of the yoga to the rest of mankind and became the first yoga guru.

As a head girl of this school, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words while highlighting the importance and benefits of yoga. I hope that this can help you understand yoga as an essential part of our daily life.

Many people wonder what yoga is and how can it help to maintain physical and mental stability? Yoga is a process of union of body and mind, or we can say that it is a process of maintaining consistency between body and mind. In ancient times, Yoga was a way of gaining enlightenment. In today's high tech and busy life world, yoga is playing an important role in maintaining fitness and mental stability in our body and mind. There are different postures and currencies of the body and in Sanskrit language we call it "Asana". Some poses or postures are complicated and therefore require proper effect, but some of them are very simple and can be practiced by our own. Many people choose to join yoga classes, but some people who are not comfortable in classes, so they can buy Yoga DVDs available in the markets.

Various types of yoga have been created to reach the solutions of various problems of the people. Many people practice yoga on a daily basis and hence they know the effects and positive changes in their body and life due to yoga. It can not have an immediate effect, but if it is practiced on a daily basis, the results can be seen. Yoga should become an integral part of our lives such as gold and food.

The benefits of yoga are infinite and it has the ability to cure many diseases. Many people are practicing yoga in today's world to stay healthy. Yoga is the best option for older people who can not exercise intensive. In yoga, we practice asana on the basis of its difficulty. We should start with a simple posture and then one should pursue the difficulties.

Due to air pollution and lack of fresh air many people and even young children have respiratory problems these days. In yoga, there are many poses and exercises that have the ability to cure respiratory problems. But not only breathing, but it helps to cure many other diseases related to our nervous system, stomach problems, joint problems etc. For example, "bending ones" are used to strengthen the joints and muscles, "to make balance" is used to strengthen the arms. And feet, "sitting Yoga Pose" is done for flexibility and to relieve mental stress, "Sun Yoga Pose" is done for flexibility and there are many other types of poses.

On this note, I want to end my speech and I request our Honorable Yoga Guru to start Yoga Day. Now you can collect your yoga matte.



4-Speech on Yoga

Honorable Principal, Honorable Chief Guest, Companion Teacher and my dear students - Congratulations to everyone!

I, your senior Yoga teacher, welcome everyone in today's weekly program, of which yoga is a major attraction. To begin with this, I would like to give a small lecture on Yoga for the purpose of spreading awareness among you all about this topic.

Work trends come and go, but some other form of exercise is not stable like yoga and it has been running for more than 5,000 years. Yoga helps us burn calories and instead of tone our muscles. It is an all-inclusive workout that focuses on both mind and body. Under yoga training, the person offers all kinds of stretching and strength, including deep breathing, relaxation or meditation.

Currently, more than 100 different forms of yoga are known, which are rigid and intense, while others are light and comfortable. There are six different forms of yoga which are very famous today:

  • Hatha is primarily related to yoga and combines a sequence of basic movements including breathing.
  • Vinyasa - There is a sequence of poses that flow easily from one to the other.
  • Iyengar - This is a type of yoga, which uses props such as straps, blocks and chairs to help move your body with proper synergy.
  • Bikram - also called "Hot Yoga", this form contains a sequence of 26 complex poses in a hot room which carries a high temperature.
  • Strength - A faster, more intense exercise that shapes muscles.
  • Ashtang - A sequence of pose that combines an exceptional breathing technique.

You give it a name and you will get it! Beautiful, flashing skin; A well-built, flexible body; Regulated weight; The benefits of healthy and quiet mind-yoga include all this and many more. However, yoga can not be confined to asana more often, i.e. This is the reason that its benefits are recognized only at the physical level and we ignore the heavy benefits which Yoga provides in bringing together the body and mind. When your body and mind are in harmony with each other, then life becomes more full and happy than ever before.

Therefore everyone should practice yoga and to get a strong, flexible and soft body, it should be a part of daily routine. Its regular practice helps improve your body's posture during your walking, sitting or sleeping. This in turn will help you overcome the pain of your body due to improper postures.

When yoga is combined with meditation, there is the power to improve your intuitive skills so that you can quickly find out what to do, when to do it and how to achieve positive results. It works wonders and you can experience the change only if you practice it without fail.

Remember yoga is a never-ending process. The deeper you are absorbed in it, the more fruitful it will be. Thats all I can say.

Now, I call on our honorable chief guest on the forum to say a few words.



5-Speech on Yoga

Good Morning All!

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yoga. Yoga means the union of individual consciousness or soul with universal consciousness or soul. This knowledge is about 5000 years old Indian body. It is a system of enhancing, enhancing and feeling your ultimate nature. Yoga is the deepest exploration of many mechanisms of life. This is a gift for humanity, and it should be started early in life so that the businessman can take the lifelong benefit of this ancient practice. There are some very important benefits to starting yoga as a youth. Magical age is 8.

It is common knowledge that adults face stress every day in many forms. But today's children are tensed like adults. Increasing competitiveness in schools and colleges, dealing with peer pressure, difficult phase of puberty, additional activities and parents 'meeting and teachers' expectations are very stressful for the children. You can face this pressure by practicing yoga. Your body of exercise and the nervous system, like respiratory and digestive system, has a great effect on the mechanisms supporting it. Yoga affects the feelings and behavior of children; It has a positive effect on mental state and creativity.

As you prepare the soil before planting seeds, you need to prepare the brain. As children you are very receptive at a tender age. Yoga will help you to keep yourself fit, improve your memory and the quality of the brain. The mind accepts many steps. Yoga can help you transform the quality of transformation of consciousness. 'This can only be achieved when you can keep focus and maintain information. Yoga for children is gaining popularity these days. Yoga Poses or Asanas help children with disabilities and many people have shown immense improvement and positive results. Just keep in mind that you can only give your level best to enjoy the asana.

Some of the beneficial things for children are: Pranayama, Tadasan, Uttanasana, Halasan, Bhujangasan, Vrikshasan, Ardhachandrasan, Trikonasan, Gomukhasan, Ushrasaran Damaran, Matthasan, Nakasan and Margrasana. Each of the above mentioned rugs has a positive effect on your body.

Yoga benefits children benefits:

  • These asanas help you get the flexibility,
  • Helps achieve good coordination and balance of your mind and body,
  • Helps you manage stress.
  • Helps you improve the spine and flexibility.
  • It also helps you to relax.
  • It helps you to improve concentration and blood circulation.

In this way you can see how yoga is beneficial and finally on June 21 the UN General Assembly is declared as International Yoga Day. The announcement was made after the declaration of the United Nations General Assembly by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on September 27, 2014 while addressing the United Nations General Assembly.


6-Speech on Yoga

Good morning everybody!

As you know, today our Yoga Group Foundation has successfully completed one year, so the program has been organized to celebrate the achievement of this one year. On this auspicious day, please allow me to express heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to our members of Yoga Group Foundation, who worked hard to spread public awareness about the benefits of yoga and to make this one year session Help in providing the necessary resources required. A precursor of physical health and mental happiness. Also, I want to thank all the people who never missed a single day and showed excitement for learning this art and spreading education amongst others.

I, Nandini, want to give a short speech on the occasion of your host and co-founders of this group for today's event - the science behind it and its essence.

Many of us do yoga on a daily basis, but how many people actually know what form this art enters and why it is done. So it is basically a method of achieving balance in our body, that is, to gain strength, increase flexibility and attain spirituality. Yoga also supports a non-materialist way of living life. Yoga is more accurately described through the Sanskrit word asana, which means that the practice of various types of physical rugs or asanas. Yoga postures are an essential part of yoga. Generally, the class starts with the usual breathing exercise and then the soft rugs are added, after which it becomes more difficult. Yoga posture is done keeping in mind all the organs of the body, as well as breathing exercises, which also include guided mediations.

There are different poses for which the instructor guides you all the time; These poses include standing, sitting, back bending, forward bending, upside down posture as well as twisting posture. Apart from these, there are various other types of yoga that are specifically tailored to the different needs of the people. For example, Hatha Yoga is the most popular form and includes breathing exercises and physical postures. Then there are two other types of Yoga, that is, Karma and Bhakti Yoga, which are advised to those who want to attain spiritual experience in life.

This is an art form known to humanity for thousands of years, whose history can be traced back to 3,000 BC. Since then, it is being done by various spiritual teachers and in contemporary times, yoga is being seen as a disciplinary form, which is taught in different schools and colleges. The specific purpose of yoga is to help a person rise above themselves and gain a sublime experience. Even in the Bhagavad-Gita it is written, "Yoga, meeting with one person, when completely disciplined mind gets rid of all desires, and becomes absorbed in alone." Religion, but it is definitely a way of living a life which works in the direction of a healthy mind along with a healthy mind.

So get the power of yoga, feel energized and develop the excitement of living.



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