Essay on Solar System in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

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Essay on Solar System in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Solar System in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.


Essay on Solar System - 150 Words

There are eight planets in our solar system. The sun is in the center, and the planets revolve around it. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are eight planets. The path of planets is known as class.

Mercury is closest to the sun. Neptune is the distant planet. Among all these Jupiter is the largest planet. Saturn is the only planet that has rings around it.

Earth is the third planet from the sun. This is the only planet on which life is present. There is a natural satellite, Moon in it. Jupiter has 63 moons. Saturn has 60 moons. There are some of the largest moons in our solar system.

The galaxy in which our solar system is located is known as the Milky Way.


2 - Essay on Solar System - 400 Words

The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen. In the universe, a small amount of hydrogen and helium formed the first comprehensive elements. After this the stars came with the sun, which is also a star.

The solar system refers to the sun and the planets. Here, we will focus only on planets and not on their moons. Apart from these, we also have comets, asteroids, or planets etc.

Although it is said that the universe came into being about 15 billion years ago, the stars and the sun were later created.

The planet is part of the solar family, which is led by the Sun. The sun is bigger than any planet. It is about one crore fifty lakh kilometers away from the earth. This is the sun which provides heat and light throughout the entire solar system.

There are nine planets in the solar system that are arranged in the order of distance from the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, among them Mercury is the warmest and Pluto is the coldest. These planets are in order of size - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Pluto. Of these, Jupiter is the largest and Pluto is the smallest.

While studying some of these planets, we note that the color of Mars is red. Thousands of years ago, it was an environment with air like air, water etc. This is a mystery, why and how it became dry and cold. Many missions sent on Mars have mostly failed. The most recent of these was Beagle-2, which was declared a failure in December 2003, when it failed to send any signal. Thus, there is no life on Mars, even if there is a secret in the shape of microbes or not. Another mission sent by NASA has given some hope for the possibility of the revival of the atmosphere on Mars. Venus is also known as the morning or evening star. This is the brightest planet. Mars and Venus both appear with the naked eye from Earth. There is another specialty of Venus. It is such that while all other planets revolve around the Sun, in a clockwise direction, Venus rotates in clockwise direction. Perhaps, as far as is known, the Earth is one of the planets on which life is present, because it is the only planet in which the most suitable environment for life.


3 - Essay on Solar System - 1200 Words

The solar system consists of the sun; Nine planets, planets 67 satellites and a large number of small objects (comets and asteroids). The inner solar system comprises the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The outer Solar System's planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The orbits of the planets are oval with the sun at a focus. However, all except Mercury and Pluto are almost spherical, orbiting the planets more or less in the same plane (which is flat and defined by the orbit of the Earth).

Ecliptic bent only at 7 degrees from the Sun's equator plane. Pluto's class is most deviated from the plane of ecliptic with a tilt of 17 degrees.

Sun is the most important part of our solar system. It is the largest object and has about 98% of the entire mass of the solar system. About 1.3 billion Earths will fit inside the sun. Sun planets and gravitational forces together with other objects related to it rotate around the galaxy.

Most of the things that we call the planet, most of them are orbiting small moons or satellites. These low-mass objects are known as solar systems. The sun is just a star, which is one of the hundred billion in our galaxy alone.

Being a star, Sun is an example of the basic building blocks of our universe. It was formed 4.5 billion years ago as a nucleus of a cloud of gas, which was collapsing under its gravitational attraction.

In its formation, hydrogen was the most abundant gas, as it is elsewhere in the universe, and is responsible for three quarters of the sun's original material. This will change by the burning of hydrogen, and in almost central areas almost all hydrogen has been converted into helium.

External areas have not participated in hydrogen burning so far. Astronomers have measured the chemical composition of the Sun, and thus can predict that the initial solar nebula from which the Sun and planets were formed.

Apart from 78 percent of the weight of hydrogen, they get 20 percent for helium, while only 2 percent remains for other elements like oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and iron.

Later, as its hydrogen decreases, it will evolve into a giant red star, inciting the earth and the inner planets. Relics will be faded to forget the sun gradually, on its way the white dwarf phase is going through.

Mercury -

Mercury is named after the angel of the Roman Gods. It is the smallest in the inner planets and the second smallest in the entire solar system. It has a very weak magnetic field and - which is the closest planet to the Sun - there is a very thin atmosphere of helium caught by solar wind.

Mercury's surface is very much like the moon - with craters, mountains and valleys. Since there is no form of atmosphere, therefore life on Mercury is impossible. Nor will there be an unmanned flight in the future. However, new unmanned test will be sent, if only to complete the surface map.

Although Mercury has only one-third diameter of the Earth, its density is almost identical. It indicates that the weight of Mercury between 65% and 70% is made of a heavy material, probably iron. It is centered in the large core of Mercury. The outer layer is made of silicate rock which is similar to Earth's mantle.

Venus -

Venus is named after the love of the Roman goddess. It is the second planet from the Sun and in addition to the Sun and Murt, the brightest thing in the sky. Once it was believed that life may be present in Venus but with different tests it has been proved wrong. In fact, Venus is the most hostile environment in the entire solar system.

The temperature of the surface is extremely hot and the atmospheric pressure is crushing. Another obvious fact that is different from all other planets in our solar system is that it revolves from east to west (all other planets revolve from west to east).

Because of this, Venus is said to be almost upside down. Conditions can be better than before. In the early stages of the Solar System, the Sun was not as bright as it is now and therefore Venus and Earth will be like this.

When the sun rises, the earth was too far to avoid serious damage but was not Venus. The temperature of the surface increased and the ocean dries up.

Earth -

Earth, the third planet from the Sun (rock) is the largest in the inner planets and its density is also the highest. It is the only planet in the Solar System that is extensively covered with water, the only planet in which the atmosphere is mainly made of nitrogen and oxygen and is the only body whose temperature is for that type of life. It is appropriate that we know.

It is also the only inner planet with a big moon - Mercury and Venus have no one and Mars's moons are small. If conditions on earth change even slightly, then as we know that life can end.

Earth's rotation period is not stable. Due to the tide between the oceans and the ocean floor, it is gradually becoming longer. This is due to the effect of the Moon.

Our moon has fascinated mankind throughout the era. Just seeing with the naked eye, two major types of terrain can be understood: relatively bright highlands and deep plains.

Current knowledge of the moon is more than any other solar system except the Earth. It further appreciates the understanding of geological processes and the complexity of the terrestrial planets.

The relatively bright, high-trunk highlands are called terra. Craters and basins are formed by the meteorite in the highlands.

Mars -

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the seventh largest. This is sometimes called a red planet. The name of the month of March is from Mars. Mars is known from prehistoric times. Except the Earth, Mars is the most diverse and interesting terrain of any terrestrial planet.

One Olympus Mons is the largest mountain in the Solar System, which is 24 km (78,000 feet) above the surrounding ground. Like Mercury and Moon, currently Mars appears to be lacking in active plate tectonics; There is no evidence of recent horizontal motion of the surface such as the curved mountains on earth.

Jupiter -

Jupiter is named after the king of the Roman Gods. It is the largest planet in the Solar System, the fifth planet from the Sun, and the first of the outer planets, Jupiter has an effect on a large part of the Solar System.

It is likely that Jupiter's huge gravity has stopped the formation of a planet in the area occupied by the asteroid belt. Jupiter's magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than Earth and has a devastating effect on its moons.

Saturn planet -

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest: in Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture and is known from prehistoric times.

Galileo was the first person to inspect it with binoculars in 1610; He looked at its strange presence but confused by it.

The initial observation of Saturn was complicated by the fact that the earth passes through the stratosphere of Saturn in every few years because Saturn runs like Jupiter in its class, Saturn is approximately 75% hydrogen and 25% Helium, in which water, methane, Ammonia and the marks are similar to the structure of rock, primitive solar nebula, from which the solar system was formed.

Arun Planet -

Uranus is the largest solar system and the seventh largest planet in the Sun. In the name of Saturn's father, Uranus is a blue-green color due to methane in its environment.

Its magnetic axis is at 60 degrees on its axis of rotation. Abnormal axial tilt can be caused by a large body collision in Uranus's life.

Scientists should wait for a new space mission. Uranus is mainly composed of rock and various ions, only about 15% hydrogen and a little helium (unlike Jupiter and Saturn, which are mostly hydrogen).

Neptune -

In the name of the Roman god of the sea, Neptune was discovered using mathematical calculations based on the orbit of Uranus. It is the third largest planet in the Solar System and usually is the second last planet in the distance.

Due to the unique class of Pluto, Neptune is the last planet in every 247 years for 20 years. Recently Neptune was the last planet, when Pluto survived it from its orbit and again became the last planet.

Pluto -

Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930, making it the last planet in our solar system. Pluto is usually away from any one of the nine planets in the Sun.

Ground-based observations indicate that Pluto's surface is covered with methane ice and it is a thin environment that can freeze and fall on the surface due to moving away from the planet's Sun.

Pluto has one moon - Charon - its surface structure looks different from Pluto. Moon Methane appears to be covered with water-ice instead of ice. Its orbit is locked with gravity Pluto, so both bodies always face the same hemisphere.

On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) formally downgraded Pluto from an official planet to a dwarf planet.

According to the new rules, one planet meets three criteria: it should be orbited the Sun, it should be sufficient to squash a round ball for gravity, and it cleanses other things along the way in its orbital neighborhood. Will be given.

The latter measure exits Pluto and 2003UB313 (Aris), which revolves around the Kuiper belt icy wrecks and the ceros in the oxoeid belt.

Asteroids -

Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that revolve around the Sun but are too small to consider the planets. They are known as minor planets.

The size of the asteroid is from Ceres, which is about 1000 km in diameter, which is below the size of pebbles. The diameter of sixteen asteroids is 240 km or more.

They have been found within the orbit of Saturn beyond the orbit of Saturn. However, most are contained within a main belt that exist between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

The asteroid is the remaining material from the solar system. One theory suggests that they are the remains of a planet that had been destroyed in a huge collapse long ago.

Meteorite and Meteorite -

The meteoric word comes from the Greek meteorite, which means an event in the sky. A meteorite is a moving object around the sun or moving any object in space space, which is too small to be called asteroid or comet.

A meteorite is a meteoroid that reaches the surface of the Earth without completely evaporating it. It has been difficult to classify meteorites, but there are three broad groups: Stoney, Stoney Iron, and Iron.

The most common meteoroid chondrites are those that are stony meteorites. Chondrites' radiometric dating has kept them at 4.55 billion years old, which is the estimated age of the solar system.

Comet -

Comets are small, delicate, irregular shaped bodies that are made up of non-volatile grains and a mixture of frozen gases. They have very elliptical orbits that bring them very close to the sun and move them deeper into space, often beyond the orbit of Pluto.

Comet structures are diverse and very dynamic, but they all develop a surrounding cloud of diffuse material, which is called coma, which usually increases in size and brightness because comets contact the sun.

As the comets come to the sun, they develop a huge tail of shiny material, which extends away from the Sun, millions of kilometers from the head.

Astronomy usually begins with the Greeks. Greek philosopher Aristotle said that the Earth has been fixed in the center of the universe, whereas Ptolemy is based on the mathematical model of the planets running in our solar system.

In 1543 Nicholas Copernicus published his hypothesis that the Sun is the center of the universe, but since Aristotle's teaching was adopted by the church, his view was seen as unbelievable.

Five years after the appearance of the great supernova of 1604, Galileo built its first telescope. They saw stars of Jupiter's moon, Saturn rings, Venus's feet and the Milky Way. He published the news in The Starry Messenger next year.

At the age of 23, young Isaac Newton felt that the gravitational force is also for the motion of the Moon falling on the Earth, along with the motion of the Moon and the planets located in the orbit. This was a revolutionary step in the history of thought, because it increased the effect of worldly behavior up to the original 150 top school essays.

Of heaven A set of laws, discovered and tested on our planet, later controlled the whole universe. In the science of the twentieth century, one of his many fundamental contributions, relativity recognized the speed of light as the absolute speed limit in the universe, and, such as the different concepts of space and time earlier in a unified space-time United

Einstein & # 39; s General Theory of Relativity changed the model of Newton's gravity with one, in which the force of gravity is interpreted as being the reaction of bodies to distortions in space - which itself creates.

Several improvements have been observed in the study of the solar system over the last few centuries. They have proved to be better for mankind in many ways.


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