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Almost every individual working in an office, businessmen, salespersons, executives or even writers need to create documents, spreadsheets and Power Point presentations with images for official or personal reasons. Earlier, these documents were being created and stored in the personal computer of the individual or the office computer and a backup of the documents had to be taken on a separate device that could also serve the purpose of carrying the files with you to another location, in case you needed to give a presentation elsewhere, or refer to the documents on the go. Of course, things became a little easier when laptops came into the picture, as they could be carried from one place to another quite easily. But, the risks of losing the entire data or file from the hard disk of the computer or even from a portable storage device could not be ignored.


There was also a problem with collaborating on and sharing the documents or files with other people or colleagues who were using different computers. Of course, one can share documents within a network but that is largely constrained by the physical location of the computers. Then there is also the issue of different word processors being used on different machines. For people who were geographically separated from one another, the only way to collaborate on or share documents was by sending them as attachments via e-mails. Thus, the documents could not be edited in real-time and caused delays in getting them ready. There is also a limitation in the e-mails, as large files cannot be sent as attachments.


With the advancements in Internet technology and the emergence of wireless connectivity, a lot of things changed, along with the way people could access the Internet very easily from anywhere and everywhere using their mobile phones or laptops. It was these developments that caused Google to come out with Google Docs also known as Google Documents, which is a free web based office suite that could be used by anyone from anywhere, if they had an Internet connection. Google Docs allows its users to create, edit and save documents both online and even online, as well as share and collaborate work with others in real time.


Google Docs can be accessed from the top navigation bar of the Google home page or at

google docs