Essay on The Greed of Mars in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

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Essay on The Greed of Mars in English in Very Simple Words for Kids and Students

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on the Lure of Mars in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.

Essay on the greed of Mars 500 Words

None of the planets in the solar system has left more people than Mars. Mars is easy to inspect and can be seen with a small telescope changing the surface markings. It was a variable surface marking that gave rise to speculation on life on the red planet.

The diameter of Mars is 6796 km, which is half the size of Earth. On Mars one day 24 hours and 37 minutes is almost the same as the Earth. The martian year is 687 days slightly less than the length of a year on Earth.

In some ways, Mars is similar to Earth. The axial tilt of the red planet is 25.2 degrees, which is very close to the Earth. Mars also displays the geological characteristics of the polar caps on the largest scale, weather. Mars is a fascinating planet.

Mars has been discovered by many spaceships, most of them are related to NASA. In early 1965, the Mariner 4 spacecraft flew from the Red Planet. For a long time we had our first glimpse of the 3rd world, we were so sure that we were like our own.

Unfortunately, we did not find any martian and did not get any sign of irrigation canals or signs of life. But as much as we saw Mars, the more we wanted to know.

Mariner 4 flew from Mars in July 1965. After this Mariner was 6 and 7 in 1969. As shown in the pictures sent back, the geologically visible world has been shown. There was abundance of craters like the moon. It was also revealed from these spacecraft that the polar cap of Mars was made of carbon dioxide ice instead of water ice.

In 1971, Mariner 9 flew from Mars and dropped the entire planet down to 1 km. These pictures brought a wealth of information and it soon became clear that Mars was in fact a complex planet. It was, in fact, not like the moon and was made from rocky surface made of only one crater. In the Mariner 9, there were plains, canyons, drainage channels and even volcanoes. Mariner 9 created such enthusiasm that plans were launched for Mars Landers.

In 1976, Viking landed on the surface of 1 and 2 Martian. Viking orbits lifted the planet 100 meters below and refined the landing site's location for landers. Landers used a heat shield to leave the orbit, then parachute on the surface and using the retro-rocket to move forward at slow speed.

Viking 1 landed on an ancient lava flowing Viking 2 6 weeks later, about 5000 km away, Orbits and Landers returned over 55,000 images. Over the next four years, over 4 million meteorological reports from the Martian surface were transmitted to the Earth. Landers studied martian rocks, which were found to be basaltic lava in the structure.

After the rover is deployed it will proceed with the speed of approximately 2 inches per hour controlled by the ground crew. Messages to go and go to Mars take 10 minutes each way, so there is always an interval in given commands and action. Rover will find out about the area of ​​the size of a football field within the next week.

After the diet, if everything is okay, Sozoranar can expand its horizon and venture far away - Lander will act as a communication relay for weather station and rover. With a resolution of approximately 5 feet, the space shuttle will still create an image of the Martian surface in the classroom. Efforts will be made to detect Viking landing sites 21 years ago. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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